

“So the one who boasts must boast in the Lord.  For it is not the one commending himself who is approved, but the one the Lord commends.”  –2 Corinthians 10:17-18



“De do do do, de da da da . . .”

The Tower of Babel was built by a king who wanted to make a name for himself.  God saw into his heart, and said “I don’t think so.”  The people were building this monument to themselves to call attention to their own abilities and achievements instead of bringing glory to God.  While we may not be trying to build a tower that reaches to the heavens, we still “babble” in our ways today.

We often think of babbling as baby talk.  When a newborn speaks, there are no words – just sounds.  It’s cute, funny and entertaining, but if that baby never learns to speak a language, the babbling can become frustrating and concerning.  Even though we grow up and learn to speak so people can understand us, too many of us keep the “babble” as part of lives.  It’s like changing a baby’s diaper.  The reason we change a diaper is so that the baby’s skin doesn’t get irritated, knowing the baby will mess him or herself again.  Often times, we allow horrible talk, lies, gossip, slander and other messes come out of mouths.  We know we need to “change” this, but we just keep making messes — that only One Person can really clean up …

Our understanding of ourselves and the world around us is finite.  We are limited to the information we can absorb and understand.  God has an infinite understanding of us and the universe.  This means that when He speaks – we should listen.  The source of our babble is pride.  When we try to fix our own pride, we end up feeding it.  Think about it, “I was able to deal with my own pride through my own efforts so that I am no longer arrogant about my own abilities and achievements.”  It doesn’t work this way.  For your pride to be “fixed,” you need someone who sees more and knows more than you do.  God doesn’t want to tear you down.  He wants you to see how much more value you can add to life by living for something beyond yourself.

So how can we learn to stop babbling?

God is God.  I am not.  Jesus is the only one who can help me tell the difference every day.  We are broken and hurt people, which can cause us to heap brokenness and hurt on others.  However, we have been given the invitation to …

Let all who thirst, let them come to the water
And let all who have nothing, let them come to the Lord
Without money, without price
Why should you pay the price, Except for the Lord
“Come to the Water” by John Foley

God never babbles.  When He speaks, it’s because He knows what’s best and wants to share it with us.  When you choose to listen to God’s Word and communicate His Truth, the babbling not only stops, butit is replaced by words that are uplifting and life-giving.  If you ask me, we need a lot more of this and a lot less babble.  If this were to happen within and through God’s Church, this world would be in a much better place.


Babbling can be entertaining.

We can’t build a Stairway to Heaven no matter how hard we try.—4xQYA

What we try to build without God can easily be knocked down.
