“For our ‘God is a consuming fire.’” –Hebrews 12:29 (NIV)
“Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.” –1 Peter 4:12 (NIV)
This thought all started when I listened to the song, “Closer to the Burning” by Steven Roach. This thought really clicked within me after having my right temporal lobe removed in August 2011. If you ask a silversmith when he knows something is ready to be taken out of the fire for good, his response will be along the lines of, “When I can see my reflection, I know it’s ready.” When it comes to how God wants to use us in this life, He knows we’re ready when He can see His reflection in us. To get there, we need to draw close to His all-consuming fire. We need to draw closer to the burning.
There are many scriptures that tell us about the fires of God. To name just a few, God first spoke to Moses through a burning bush. A fire guided the Israelites by night. God’s people burned sacrifices to Him. When Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused to worship the gods of King Nebuchadnezzar, the king ordered the furnace to be heated seven times hotter than usual and have them thrown in it. They left the furnace without so much as a mark. This story teaches us something very important.
There is a heavenly fire and an earthly fire. Earthly fires often look harmless or even fun. Heavenly fires often look unappealing and different because we’ve either never experienced them before or feel they will suck the fun out of life. How can you tell the difference? Two ways. The first way is the dangerous way – to hop into the fire. Drawing closer to earthly fires, you will get burned – sometimes to a crisp. Drawing closer to heavenly fires, you will become purified and refined. It may not always feel good. You might not like the process. The only way to truly reflect God’s character and Word is for the impurities within us to be dealt with – like the process a silversmith uses to purify metal. The second way is to know ahead of time which fires are which. The only way to know this is by knowing God’s heart, character and Word. He tells us which fires to walk through and which ones to stay away from. Our sin is what gets burned in God’s fire. We usually don’t like this part. However, it is our hearts, minds, souls and spirits that get burned in earthly fires. Often, we want to keep our sins safe within us while still experiencing the promises of God. This usually leads to death – discomfort, separation from God, bitterness. No matter how dirty we get, God can always clean us up.
I can remember singing the song “Sanctuary” during a church service. I raised my hands and with tears rolling down my cheeks, I felt the warmth of God’s Presence. In that moment, I was able to worship God with all my heart and His fire filled my soul. I didn’t want to go to work after that – I just wanted to stay where I was. On the flipside, if someone wanted me to go somewhere I know I shouldn’t – even if it’s for a good reason – I would be choosing to play with earthly fire. The chances of me getting burned increases when I choose to play too closely to earthly fire.
In Exodus 35:3, regulations stated that there are to be no fires made on the Sabbath. No work at all was to be done and the penalties were harsh for breaking these regulations. God wants to be our Light, our Warmth, our Provider. If we choose not to allow Him to purify and refine us, we cannot experience His full goodness. God doesn’t want you or I to get burned. But – He does want to purify and refine us for His good and perfect will.
So how do we draw closer to the burning, without getting burned?
We need to constantly run after Him, even though we’ll walk through trials as part of the journey.
We need to constantly worship Him, even though we won’t always feel like it or feel it does any good.
God needs to be our focus, like training for a race.
God needs to be our destination, like reaching the finish line of a race.
Unlike the one finish line you reach in a race, it’s about the journey, not the destination. God isn’t just waiting for you at the finish line. He’s running the race with you! You can run into God’s open arms as part of the journey every day and in every way. And – if you don’t feel like you can get entirely to Him on your own, God will run toward you as well to pick you up.
You will experience one fire or the other. Which “burning” will you choose?
“There is more land to be taken
There are more nations to be shaken
There’s more praise to be given
There are hearts to be awakened
And I don’t plan on stopping
No – not until we’ve gotten
Everything You died to give.”
-From Closer to the Burning by Steven Roach
In Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. Indy and Mary were spared from being burned when the Ark of the Covenant was opened. They had enough respect for God and awareness of their own imperfections that they knew they weren’t worthy of gazing into the Presence of God. The others wanted to gaze upon the contents of the Ark for selfish and personal gain. They got burned.
In The Matrix, Neo could choose to stay in darkness or be liberated – the red pill or the blue pill. Choosing liberation doesn’t mean a carefree, problem-free life. However, it is a life built on truth – eternal Truth.
“The road goes ever on and on down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the road has gone, and I must follow if I can pursuing it with eager feet, until it joins some larger way.” –J.R.R. Tolkien from The Hobbit.

And this one, just for fun.
“Earth is crammed with Heaven.and every bush aflame with God.But only those who see take offtheir shoes…”Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Good stuff! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Jacob, so thankful for God’s promises! And proud of the man you have grown into.