Insights From Ireland: The Bigger Story

This is part three of a three part series on my mission trip to Ireland. Read part one here. Read part two here.


“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” -Proverbs 19:21 (NIV)

The Ireland Team
The Ireland Team


Before we left Ireland, an interesting question was posed: “With what you’ve experienced here, what are going to do with it when you get home?”

A mission trip can be an incredible experience. What happens often, though, is that the person comes home and eventually returns to“normal”life. When I was a youth leader, I saw this same thing happen after summer camp. We would drive down to FL and encounter great worship and teaching. The students would be completely engaged in worship and have rich discussions about the messages. Then, we’d drive home. Within a couple of weeks, the students would sink back to “normal,” almost seeming like different kids than the ones who were at camp. When we have a mountaintop experience, we eventually need to come down the mountain, right? Or – do we?

When I got home from Ireland, I felt torn. It was great to be home, but I missed the excitement and purpose of what we did in Ireland. Beyond that, I also fell in love with the slower pace of Irish life – and the abundance of pubs. I longed for something simple, where I woke up knowing that I would be making a difference and not having to trudge through the normal day-to-day of life.

If God has called me to love and serve others, would He only want me to do it a few days a year or at a certain destination on the map? If this were true, I’d be more like Santa Claus. Instead, it’s more about who God has created me to be. If I am being who God wants, the opportunities to minister will come to me – no matter where I’m at or what I’m doing. This allows us to stay on the mountaintop – living a life of purpose every day. Is this easy? Absolutely not. Do I still struggle with it? Absolutely.

Moses went to the mountain. The mountain did not come to him. God called to him from the mountain. If we listen closely enough, we can hear that same calling. It’s more about the journey, not the destination. When I walk, I can either choose my own path, or choose the path from which God is calling me.When I choose my own path, it becomes more about my story. When I choose God’s path, it becomes more about His Story. It is much more enjoyable and fulfilling to play a small role in God’s big Story than to be the main character in my own little tale.

What I’ve learned is that I sometimes carry way too much baggage to travel where God wants me to go. My life gets filled with all sorts of stuff. I’ll address this topic in my next blog.

Thanks so much for allowing me to share my heart with you!


Caption: We need to hunger after the right things.

Caption: I’d rather take the path less traveled.

3 thoughts on “Insights From Ireland: The Bigger Story”

  1. I enjoyed reading your insights from Ireland very much, Jacob! You are a good writer! My time in Ireland still shapes me, too. It was unforgettable! Keep writing and looking for those unexpected ministry opportunities that God sends your way!

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